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HealthifyMe在印度国内发展势头良好,Vashisht想把这一应用推广到其他发展中国家。 它已经获得了1200万美元的B轮融资来实现这一规划。 本轮融资由Sistema亚洲基金领投,三星NEXT、新加坡Atlas资产管理公司、日本梦想孵化器,以及现有投资者IDG Ventures India、Inventus Capital、Blume Ventures和迪拜NB Ventures跟投。 HealthifyMe | 在领英上有 13,244 位关注者。Healthifying Corporate India | HealthifyMe was founded in 2012 by Tushar Vashisht and Sachin Shenoy, and incubated by Microsoft Accelerator. Today, we are India and South East Asia's largest and most loved health & fitness app, with over 16 Million users from 300+ cities in India+SEA and rated over 4.6/5. Since 2013, HealthifyMe coaches have built diet plans for 100,000+ people. We've built machine learning & AI technology based solutions to work on this huge data set of custom diet plans to create highly personalised, tried & tested diet plans without involving a coach. HealthifyMe. 1,086,807 likes · 13,406 talking about this. HealthifyMe helps you to achieve your fitness and weight loss goals through an app that gives you access to customized expert advice, tracks The HealthifyMe app enables users to track their calorie intake and fitness activities, monitor their progress and get expert guidance from India's top nutritionists and fitness coaches. The company closed a $7M Series A round in 2016. My key responsibilities as Head of …

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该公司提供包括,体重跟踪、饮食推荐、健身跟踪等一系列功能,可以应用于移动端和桌面端。近日,HealthifyMe获得600万美元A轮融资,IDG Ventures India,  In this "12 EASY DIET TIPS TO CUT 1000s OF CALORIES" video by HealthifyMe, will take you through 12 effective and easy-to-do diet and nutrition tips that you  HealthifyMe. 1088453 likes · 16486 talking about this. HealthifyMe helps you to achieve your fitness and weight loss goals through an app that gives 在Uptodown上免费下载无病毒的Android平台上的HealthifyMe v15.1.1。体验Android平台上的HealthifyMe 2021的最新版本


HealthifyMe 2012年成立于印度,是一家提供健身和体重管理服务的公司。该公司提供包括,体重跟踪、饮食推荐、健身跟踪等一系列功能,可以应用于移动端和桌面端。近日,HealthifyMe获100万美元新一轮融资,领投方为迪拜NB Ventures投资人Neelesh Bhatnagar。 4. 总部位于印度的移动健身应用HealthifyMe再获100万美元的新一轮融资,资方是一位迪拜的投资人Neelesh Bhatnagar,NB Ventures的创始人。 本轮融资将用于招聘 HealthifyMe再获100万美元融资. 12月31日消息,总部位于印度的移动健身应用HealthifyMe再获100万美元的新一轮融资,资方是一位迪拜的投资人NeeleshBhatnagar,NB Ventures的创始人。 公司创立于2012年,为用户提供饮食习惯、健身和体重的测量结果。

HealthifyMe的企业用户包括 PMC Sierra, Indegene, Philips, GE 和Cognizant。 根据HealthifyMe提供的数据,平台上已经积累了有100万用户和150多个教练。 HealthifyMe在印度国内发展势头良好,Vashisht想把这一应用推广到其他发展中国家。 它已经获得了1200万美元的B轮融资来实现这一规划。 本轮融资由Sistema亚洲基金领投,三星NEXT、新加坡Atlas资产管理公司、日本梦想孵化器,以及现有投资者IDG Ventures India、Inventus Capital、Blume Ventures和迪拜NB Ventures跟投。 HealthifyMe | 在领英上有 13,244 位关注者。Healthifying Corporate India | HealthifyMe was founded in 2012 by Tushar Vashisht and Sachin Shenoy, and incubated by Microsoft Accelerator. Today, we are India and South East Asia's largest and most loved health & fitness app, with over 16 Million users from 300+ cities in India+SEA and rated over 4.6/5. Since 2013, HealthifyMe coaches have built diet plans for 100,000+ people. We've built machine learning & AI technology based solutions to work on this huge data set of custom diet plans to create highly personalised, tried & tested diet plans without involving a coach. HealthifyMe. 1,086,807 likes · 13,406 talking about this. HealthifyMe helps you to achieve your fitness and weight loss goals through an app that gives you access to customized expert advice, tracks The HealthifyMe app enables users to track their calorie intake and fitness activities, monitor their progress and get expert guidance from India's top nutritionists and fitness coaches. The company closed a $7M Series A round in 2016. My key responsibilities as Head of … Buy HealthifyMe Rist online at best price in India. Check full specifications of HealthifyMe Rist fitness band with its features, reviews & comparison at Gadgets Now Thu, Apr 01, 2021 | Updated 03.21 PM IST

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